Borough of West Chester

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 6 Mga Saradong Isyu: 1 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 0
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-07-06

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • W Chester Bypass West Chester, PA 19380, USA - US Congressional District PA7
  • W Chester Bypass West Chester, PA 19380, USA - US Congressional District PA7
    It's almost impossible to make a left hand turn from the bypass to the Phoenixville Pike, especially during rush our. This is dangerous.
  • West Chester Bypass And Phoenixville Pike West Chester, PA - US Congressional District PA7
    this intersection NEEDS a turning indicator for those motorists turning left in any direction of that intersection. this is far too busy an intersection to not have a turning arrow in any direction!!!
  • West Chester Bypass 322 And Pheonixville Pk West Chester, PA - US Congressional District PA7
    Busses use this intersection all the time and waiting to turn left there most times makes them late. To many cars use this section to not have a controled left turn signal there.
  • W Chester Bypass West Chester, PA 19380, USA - US Congressional District PA7
    please put in a left turn arrow for those who are on 322 bypass trying to turn left onto phoenixville pike. During peak traffic hours, one can easily sit through 3 light cycles.
  • 322 And Phoenixville Pike West Chester, pennsylvania - US Congressional District PA7
    At the intersection of 322 and Phoenixville Pike- West Chester- I have to cross over 322 every day for my commute and I have noticed that for people making a left in either directions (east or west on 322), there is no left arrow. I witnessed a few accidents back in the fall of 2015 and I believe they were due to a lack of a turn signal to make a left safely. I think this is a safety issue and should be looked into. Thank you!!
  • 322 Bypass And Fern Hill Rd/Phoenixville Pike West Chester, Pennsylvania - US Congressional District PA7
    The intersection of Fern Hill Rd/Phoenixville Pike and the 322 bypass needs traffic lights with dedicated left turn signals. It takes several light changes to make it through this intersection, and is only possible when enough cars are backed up in the right turn yield areas.