Plainview Block Club Association

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 4 Mga Saradong Isyu: 340 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 20
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2017-01-24

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • overgrown lot Archived
    14248 Stahelin Rd Detroit, MI 48223, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    vacant lot on corner is not being mowed or maintained. not owned by neighboring property owner. two of the trees on the lot are dying and hazard to neighboring property.
  • 14310 Stahelin Ave Detroit, MI, 48223, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    The trash can has been out front for over 3 weeks this time. Many times all three cans stay in the front sometimes in front of my home.
    The two cars in photo have been parked one for months, Cadillac in front of trash can and car in front of my house moves once or twice a month for only minutes. Also their dog roams and stops mail delivery
  • 14160 Grandville Ave Detroit MI 48223, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    Josie is next, North of 14160 Grandville
    There are many children living in the house and dogs.
  • 14240 Stahelin Rd Detroit MI 48223 - US Congressional District MI14
    owner refuses to cut the grass or remove bags of debris (FAM HOLDING LLC/MICHEL CULLIERE)
  • 14026 Greenview Road Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14
  • 14248 Stahelin Rd Detroit, MI 48223, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    I've had this. brush pile at the curb for 4 months. I realize pick up was suspended for a time, but I'd like to have picked up please. It seems other such piles on the street have been removed, but not this one.
  • 14248 Stahelin Rd Detroit, MI 48223, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    The mini bikes and go carts racing down the streets continue along with drag racing of muscle cars. Loud, dangerous with the running stop and yield signs, and late at night at times. Coming from house near Lyndon and Stahelin. Typically race down Stahelin fo Kendall. Acacia to Glastonbury. I have seen same group riding on the sidewalks on Grand River too. Dont mi d people having fun, but the neighborhood is not a drag strip especially with people trying to work from home.
  • Tree Issue Archived
    14220 Stahelin Ave Detroit MI 48223, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    The tree branch is suspended over the sidewalk. It is suspended from another branch of the tree. My immediate concern is the branch might fall on a child riding a bike on the side walk over which the branch is suspended.
  • 14185 Westwood St Detroit, MI 48223, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    There is illegal dumping happening all along this area. it has gotten really bad. we have complained numerous times to no avail.
  • 14136 Greenview Rd Detroit MI 48223, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    The lady that lives at 14130 Greenview has multiple cars racing up and down our street at all hours of day and night!!! They seemed to have gatherings on the weekends and cars driving dangerously through our neighborhood. We even witnessed them fighting in the streets. Afterward cars take off through stop signs. There’s a white charger who is the main one and also a burgundy one as well. Someone is going to get hurt with the way the take off from her house.
  • Tree Issue Archived
    14303 Piedmont St Detroit MI 48223, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    Tree in berm damaged during storm this past week need to be removed
  • Tree Issue Archived
    14257 Greenview Rd Detroit MI 48223, United States - US Congressional District MI14

    A severe storm occurred in our area on June 1, 2022. A lot of fallen trees and branches remained afterwards. It's been over 15 days and some streets still have debris at their curbs.
    It's an eyesore!!!!!!!!!!

    We care about our neighborhood!!!