La Mesa Neighborhood WAtch

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 105 Mga Saradong Isyu: 2,343 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 189
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-04-22

La Mesa Residents & businesses

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Exit 13b La Mesa, CA, 91941, USA - La Mesa
    above Jackson offramp on 8 E. wooden fence behind a house facing the freeway. Entire fence is covered in grafitti.
  • Riviera Dr La Mesa, CA, 91941, USA - La Mesa
    For the millionth time, issues with speeders on Riviera drive. When will something be done about this??? Speeding on this road when they come up the incline or around the bend makes for unsafe conditions for the residents on Belvue and Rojo Tierra Rd. Is it going to take a fatal accident for the city to finally do something? Residents of this area have made multiple complaints and have raised concerns over the years, yet nothing is being done.
  • Lake Murray Blvd & Parkway Dr La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    On south west bound left turn on Parkway and getting onto 70th/Lake Murray. Many people on the inside lane do not realize that the outside turn lane can go left as well. I nearly see an accident every-time I am at this intersection which is follow by honking and sometimes road rage. I believe it is because the marked lanes in the intersection have worn out. I think remarking the turn line would prevent many potential accidents and road rage.
  • Memorial Dr & University Ave La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    Hello La Mesa WAKE UP!!!!! Over 5 months ago I made a complaint at this intersection and NOTHING has been done at all with this light. What's going on here La Mesa? I see several other posts complaining about the exact same thing. Why are you not addressing this? I'm coming to the conclusion that the City of La Mesa doesn't care about the environment. Think about all the vehicles that sit at that intersection idle waiting for the light to change. Seriously, don't sit on this with deaf ears. You have been given ample of time to address this and you have done nothing about it. So what is this website for anyways? It's to address issues in the city of La Mesa. Do your job!!!
  • 3740 Riviera Dr La Mesa CA 91941, United States - La Mesa
    Huge graffiti "mural" that was created overnight on 5/16/22. On the wall adjacent to Riviera Dr. right in front of Belvue.
  • 4900-4916 Memorial Dr La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    So I contacted the City of La Mesa several months ago about the traffic light at the intersection of la Mesa Blvd and Memorial Dr. about the crosswalk signal north and southbound always being on where there is no one activating the crosswalk. So WE have to sit at this light wasting gasoline and polluting the air as we wait for the light to change. As I mentioned, I mentioned this to you almost 5 months ago and your reply was that you are aware of this issue. So whats going on here? Why hasn't this been addressed? It seems to me that this is being totally ignored and La Mesa citizens will continue to be aggravated about this. I have spoken to a few of my neighbors about this and they too are aggravated about this issue. When is this problem going to be addressed?
  • Prospect Way & Vista Dr La Mesa, CA, 91941, USA - La Mesa
    Nazi symbol painted on the asphalt on the side of the road …about 50 feet SE of street signs vista drive and prospect way
  • 5580 Maryland Ave La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    We are not sure why this red curb was just fine in front of our house -the entire curb? We were not notified of this and we would like to dispute the entire curb? Please contact us to discuss we have left messages but no response. I can under stand the bottom portion but not the entire curb I have not seen if front of any other curb/house in all of la mesa?
  • 9512 Milden St La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    Request to install speed bumps on the 9500 block of Milden Street.
    The issue is that drivers go too fast on this street, on both directions. I have observed moving vehicles hitting parked vehicles and in one instance, refer to the attached photo, a truck almost hit both a parked vehicle and the fence on that property as the driver went on the sidewalk. Luckily there were no pedestrians passing by when it occurred. It's not an isolated instance, there have been so many closed calls as drivers are going too fast and/or distracted. Please don't wait until property damages occur, or even worse, persons get hurt.
    Thank you.
  • 8303 Parkway Dr La Mesa, California, 91942 - La Mesa

    I have emailed the code compliance officer for the city of La Mesa a few times with no reply.

    There is graffiti all over the side of this abandoned building at 8303 parkway drive across from seven eleven. There is also garbage all over the abandoned building.

    Thank you

  • 8303 Parkway Dr La Mesa, CA, 91942, USA - La Mesa
    Abandoned stake truck with flat front tire
  • 7199 Alvarado Rd La Mesa, CA 91942, USA - La Mesa
    Graffiti across from the 70th Street trolley station on the north side of Alvarado Rd.