Weymouth MA

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 1 Mga Saradong Isyu: 808 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 150
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2011-09-08

Resident watching for the good

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • New Crosswalk Acknowledged
    371-425 Park Dr Boston, MA 02215, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    Crosswalk needed for pedestrians to reach bus stop & T-station.
  • Graffiti Acknowledged
    130-180 Storrow Dr Boston, Massachusetts - Fenway-Kenmore
    Under BU Bridge, both sides
  • Other Acknowledged
    392 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, MA 02115, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    The traffic lights that have been installed at this crosswalk a few weeks ago still haven't been turned on. It leads to lots of confusion for drivers, who don't know if they'd supposed to stop for pedestrians or not. Please turn them on, thanks!
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    Boston University Bridge Boston, Massachusetts - Fenway-Kenmore
    There is a HUGE pothole large enough to kill a cyclist. Please fix this! This is such a huge hazard, I'm surprised that it has not been taken care of yet. I called the DOT and I've emailed the DOT. All with no evidence of any concern.
  • 183 Massachusetts Ave Boston, MA, 02115, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    Cars continue to park in the bike lane on Mass Ave. Please refer to Issue ID: 5628088 (archived) where city indicates that flex posts are in the process of being installed. That was more than a week ago. Please provide the date that this critical work is scheduled.
  • 585 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA 02215, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    Cars, delivery vehicles, and taxis are constantly blocking the bike lane--from beginning to end--on Comm Ave. Swerving in and out of traffic is unsafe on any road.
  • 1 Peterborough Street Boston Massachusetts, Fenway, MA - Fenway-Kenmore

    Please shovel out Grey Ford Focus MA Plate 553TT6 parked in front of 1 Peterborough St. in the handicap spot.


  • Raleigh Street Boston, MA - Fenway-Kenmore
    The intersection of Raleigh Street & Bay State Road is very dangerous. There is no way for the drivers to see the incoming traffic from the stop sign. Moreover to make things worse, snow gets piled at this corner during the winter. A traffic engineering solution is needed before an accident happens
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    1161 Charlesgate Boston, Massachusetts - Fenway-Kenmore
    Very deep potholes on both sides on this stretch of road. Very dangerous. Someone is going to loose a wheel or get hurt.
  • Damaged Sign Acknowledged
    203-207 Brookline Avenue Boston, MA 02215, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    The left turn from Brookline Ave to Park Dr is not allowed. However the "no left turn" sign is hidden on left and not visible to the first car at the light. The sign is expected to be on the other side of the street, clearly visible to all traffic that could be intending to turn left.
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    301-341 Park Drive Boston, MA 02215, USA - Fenway-Kenmore
    In intersection of park dr at brookline ave