City of Somerville PLUS

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  • 19 Mount Pleasant Street Somerville, MA 02145, USA - Somerville
  • 54 Park St Somerville, MA - Somerville
    Owner has never shoveled. Icy path is less than 12" wide. Difficult to walk. Risk for injury.
  • 256 Powder House Boulevard Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville
    The light in the crosswalk sign at North St. and Powerhouse Blvd has been out since at least January of 2015.
  • 3-17 Cross St E Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville
    Please put up a NO THRU ACCESS TO 93 sign on Cross St East so that 18 wheelers stop getting stuck. Happened twice today.
  • 50-52 Madison Street Somerville, MA 02143, USA - Somerville
  • 29 Bow Street Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville

    I watched yet another cyclist get hit by a car at the Bow & Summer intersection. Fortunately he fell clear of the car's wheels, but it could have been very very bad. This intersection needs to be fixed ASAP, before someone gets seriously injured.

    The issue is this:
    Cars who are traveling northwest on Bow and taking the right fork onto Summer St do NOT realize that they are making a right turn, and need to yield to bike traffic "continuing" to the left on Bow.

    In the situation yesterday, the car half-passed the biker from behind, and then right-hooked him as the biker tried to continue in his lane to the left.

    The design of this intersection is so obviously terrible — please please fix it before someone ends up in the hospital...

  • 30 Somerville Avenue Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville
    The lights at this intersection on Somerville Ave. are constantly being ignored. There are two crosswalks served by the pedestrian initiated red light here. Often drivers miss the first and do stop for the second, but they often do not stop at all. I would like to see a STOP HERE FOR RED sign placed here and greater enforcement.
  • Broadway And Mount Vernon Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville

    The intersection was backed up today around 8:45 and frustrated drivers would block the intersections use the right turn lane to make left turns and only further adding to the congestion. There was no congestion backup from Sullivan, just too many cars for the light intervals to handle. The cars that backed up were trying to turn left from Lombardi drive onto Broadway toward Sullivan Square. Most were originating from Assembly Row Drive and would block the intersection for cars trying to make a left hand turn onto mystic Ave. As many complaints of this situation have been told before, the lights are MassDoT timed, and that they are "working" as "intended." So, if Somerville cannot fix the timing of the lights can we at least get a police detail during commute hours to prevent illegal turns and cars blocking the intersection?

    Aside from that request, since the casino going in Everett is required to redesign Sullivan square, it is perfect time to look at how cars leaving Assembly row enter Sullivan square. There is an unused lane on the Mystic Ave bridge over the train tracks that could be used to divert traffic heading from Assembly Row to Sullivan. Instead of having that traffic enter Sullivan by going through the Broadway, Mt Vernon lights, traffic would turn left from Assembly Row Drive, and head south, staying on the Mystic river side of 93, use the unused lane of the Mystic Ave. bridge that goes over the train tracks and cross the unused parking lot (I believe MassDoT owns it, and merge onto Mafia way from the left. This solution can be done inexpensively, and will greatly help traffic and pedestrian safety. I hope the representatives of Somerville possess the foresight to seize the opportunity and avoid a growing traffic nightmare.

  • 18 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143, USA - Somerville
    Broken crosswalk button on island on Somerville ave
  • 13 Dexter Street Medford, Massachusetts - Somerville

    re-posting this 10/7/2015 issue because City of Medford said they are closing all old issues as they join See-Click-Fix (I have no idea why they it necessary to close old posts): The green light on Dexter Street is 5 seconds long, which is not long enough for bicyclists to get through this large intersection. The short green light combined with extremely long red light plus having to compete with oncoming traffic from the CVS parking lot means Dexter Street gets backed up past Bow Street during rush hour, as only a couple of cars can get through the intersection per light cycle. It also sets up a game of chicken between Dexter St and the CVS parking lot traffic, with people not yielding to oncoming traffic when making left turns... very dangerous. Needs either "left turns yield to oncoming traffic" signs or change so Dexter and CVS parking don't compete for the same green light, plus a longer green light.

    Past comments from other users included:
    2 "No Turn on Red" signs on Broadway (one for each direction) would be a good idea, too. I've seen cars turning from Broadway onto Medford by going across Dexter.

    Additionally, the signal detection from Dexter Street is not calibrated for bikes. So if no car is there, the signal will skip Dexter and bikes cannot legally cross the intersection.

  • 99 Joy Street Somerville, MA 02143, USA - Somerville
    Could we please have a center line drawn in this neighborhood? This street is not as wide as it looks, but cars go very fast around here in part because there are no lines drawn. Bike lanes of parking lines would also be great, but a double line down the middle is all I ask!
  • 59 Cedar Street Somerville, MA 02143, USA - Somerville
    There is no sign for summer st here. There is one for cedar st though.