City of Richmond PLUS

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 3 Mga Saradong Isyu: 13,427 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 2,286
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    1008 Dixon Drive Richmond, Virginia - Woodhaven
    Please pick up bulk furniture items at this location in the front.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    2002 Floyd Avenue Richmond, Virginia - The Fan
    I have a quantity of bulk trash behind my house, in the alley between 100 and 102 North Meadow Street. I reported this under issue number 4489671, and was informed that the issue had been resolved. As you can see from the attached photos, not all the trash was taken away, and one of my neighbors has added some. Please arrange a pickup;
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    2118 Parkwood Ave Richmond, Virginia - The Fan
    Please pick up bulk furniture items at this location in the alley.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    7707 Comanche Dr Richmond 23225, United States - Stratford Hills
    Large pile of brush and limbs in front of house.
  • 3503 Seminary Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Ginter Park
    Yard debris including tree limbs and Shrubbery clippings are at the curb at 3503 Seminary Avenue.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    2016 Parkwood Ave Richmond, Virginia - The Fan
    Please pick up bulk furniture items at this location in the alley
  • 1601 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Laburnum Park
    Sticks and leaves on chatham half block from Laburnum Ave.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    3021 Landria Dr Richmond 23225 United States - Willow Oaks
    Tree and limb debris.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    1715 North 21st Street Richmond, Virginia - Peter Paul
    The large pile cut/dead tree limbs and branches needs to be removed from the sidewalk.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    8362 W. Weyburn Rd Richmond, Virginia - Stratford Hills
    Cut tree limbs need to be removed. They are near the base of the magnolia tree in the gutter. Thanks.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    1105 Brookland Park Blvd Richmond, Virginia - Green Park
    Please pick up bulk furniture items at this location in the alley.
  • Bulk TrashKinilala
    404 Henri Road Alley Richmond, Virginia - Three Chopt
    please pick up storm debris in alley. Thanks