Ken Polleck

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 62 Mga Saradong Isyu: 1,078 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 88
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2020-05-06


Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Asphalt failures Acknowledged
    Falls Of Neuse Rd Raleigh, NC, 27587, USA - North
    When driving SW on Falls of Neuse and exiting the bridge that goes over the Neuse River, there is a severe bump. This occurs where the concrete bridge meets the ashalt road.
  • 10630 Bedfordtown Dr Raleigh NC 27614, United States - North
    NC AHJ-4672 silver Nissan SUV blocking handicap parking during weekdays 9-5 all day, and is not making deliveries. Non-compliance of ADA parking regulations.
  • 1425 Flemming House St Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    This is happening on a regular basis and you can’t walk in the sidewalk due to the sludge and there are bugs flying around. A huge eyesore and I would think an unhealthy situation.
  • Caveness Farms Ave & Royall Cotton Rd Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    When traveling down Caveness Farms Ave towards Capital Blvd/Hwy 1, there is a left turn into Royall Cotton Rd (near Sams club).
    There are no lane markings on Caveness Farms Ave so on many occasions I have seen traffic making the left turn from pretty much anywhere in the road but most often from the right hand side, thus blocking traffic that wishes to continue ahead to Capital Blvd.
    The addition of some lane makings here indicating a left turn lane and a straight on lane would vastly improve the traffic flow at this junction.
  • 921 Federal House Ave Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    Two dangerous speed humps. Both are extraordinarily high and a danger to emergency and service vehicles. Please remove or shave down to a more reasonable height.
  • 4213 Falls River Ave Raleigh, NC 27614, USA - North
    city acorn trees are overgrown and touching house. Squirrels are jumping on roof and grass will not grow in front yard, please send out cherry picker to trim branches. thanks
  • Traffic Control Acknowledged
    Stone Monument Dr & Ligon Mill Rd Wake Forest, North Carolina, 27587 - Wake Forest

    *Entering Stone Monument from Ligon Mill is unsafe.
    Traveling south on Ligon Mill (toward 1A) traffic is reduced from 2 lanes to 1 lane just at the point where a left turn is required for entry to the complex. There is much confusion among drivers as to where this left turn should be made from (the lane which has ended so that through-traffic flow is not slowed, or from the remaining lane). This makes it difficult to anticipate the actions of other drivers.

    *Exiting Stone Monument Dr. onto Ligon Mill Rd is unsafe.
    Curve of Ligon Mill Rd. (to the south of Stone Monument Dr) does not allow for clear sight from Stone Monument Dr. of oncoming traffic. This is exacerbated by overgrown weeds/shrubs on the roadside as well as excessive speed of traffic traveling north.

  • 1522 Crenshaw Pt Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake County
    Durham Rd
    A pedestrian crossing is needed between Jones Wynd and Legacy apartments. I've witnessed motorized wheelchairs and others with limited mobility crossing this busy road coming and going to the Food Lion market.
  • 4018-4340 Shearon Farms Ave Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake County
    Capital Chevrolet blocking street to unload vehicles instead of using their multi-acre property.
    Creates traffic issues for no reason by reducing visibility and road width to less than half.
  • Sign Issue Archived
    Kendle Crest Ln Raleigh NC 27614, United States - North
    35 MPH sign down
  • Ligon Mill Rd & S Main St Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    The left turn signals on both sides of Ligon Mill Rd at Main Str have never been activated to be a leading green. Myself and other people have reported this on the NCDOT website with no response or resolution. Multiple accidents have occurred and it is nearly impossible to turn left in either direction. This needs to be resolved as soon as possible before someone is critically injured.
  • Power Outage Archived
    1132 Clatter Ave Wake Forest, NC 27587, USA - Wake Forest