Richland County, City of Columbia and State DOT

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2018-01-03

Pinelane road intersects with Alpine road. This road seems to be a pass thru for traffic that is trying to avoid the traffic when E.L Wright Middle school is in session. Pinelane road also leads to an apartment complex and as the residents of the complex drive thru they throw trash (to go cups, plates, napkins, beer bottles, etc) on the road and bushes. There are residents that try to clean it up but it seems to be an ongoing issue. There is a Do not Litter sign with a fine listed but it does

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 1013 Pinelane Road Columbia, South Carolina - Dentsville
    Pinelane Road (State Road S-2420) is off of Alpine Road and intersects with Greenfield Road (State Road S-2326) . As people travel along Pinelane road they throw trash onto the side of the road. Pinleane Road also leads into an apartment complex and I've seen them throw trash onto the road as they enter or exit the apartment complex.