Cromwell First Selectman

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 33 Mga Saradong Isyu: 16 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 1
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-05-04

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Route 372 & Route 3 Intersection - Cromwell
    several cars will run thru the light AFTER the green left turn arrow has finished. happens EVERY DAY during rush hour. accident waiting to happen. CROMWELL police do NOTHING !
  • Route 9 South Bound - Cromwell
    With a no turn on red and the end of the off-ramp traffic backs up into the highway. A new ramp emptying onto Route 3 would enable traffic to use the turn on red as well as direct access to Kmart plaza. Project# 82-279 was taken from a larger project for the purpose of advance funding 61 accidents annually within 1 mile...Easy fix for a major problem.
  • 143 State Highway 372 Cromwell, CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    I realize this may be private property but, there is a HUGE pothole at the light (on the right side). I have successfully avoided it but I'm sure someone has hit it and now has to have their front end realigned.
    Please repair.
  • Court Street/Woodside Road/Orchard Road Intersection - Cromwell
    This school zone at Court Street and Woodside Drive needs a 4 way stop! This is a very dangerous intersection during school drop off and pick up times! I am concerned for the safety of drivers and pedestrians.
  • 2126 Cromwell Hills Dr Cromwell, CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    messes up your car and holes are almost deep enough to fit your hole tire you cant even drive through on the right side you have to swerve through it
  • 86 South Street - Cromwell
    A huge sign leaning on the side of a house looks like remnants of an old, ratty gas station. I drive by everyday and see this eyesore on a usually well kept street. They should at least have the proper permits for the sign, just as any other resident that wants to promote a company in this town would need.
  • Intersection Of Court Street And Main Street Cromwell CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    This intersection is within walking distance to Edna C. Stevens Elementary School. This intersection is home to schoolbus stops. Cars consistently run the red light. It is extremely dangerous for everyone walking and driving through this intersection. Something needs to be done.
  • 2-10 N Rd Cromwell, CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    from evergreen rd to pasco hill rd this has to be one of the worst roads in cromwell. poor drainage and all the town does for potholes is throw a little cold patch in the. fix this road. its below standard by far
  • Woodland Drive Cromwell, CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    Parents let their young children (under 10 y.o.) run around the parking lot like it's a grass field. Kids often lie down in front of cars in roadway. I support and encourage physical activity but in places that it's appropriate- like a park. Bikes and toys are left by parents in other people's parking spots. Complaining to parents and condo association hasn't worked.
  • unused land Archived
    Cromwell CT 06416, USA - Cromwell
    put something on this island
  • Court Street In Cromwell - Cromwell
    Speeding on Court St. between Shunpike RD. and Geer ST. All hours of the day and night. This is not a new revalation.
  • 33 Prospect Hill Road - Cromwell
    For years, there has been a problem with people flying up Prospect Hill Road. By the time they get to Holy Apostles, they are up to 60 MPH. They are already speeding up Main Street and they vere off onto the fork and go even faster.