Hampton Virginia PW

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-04-25

Daily Press

Saturday, April 24, 2010 page 7

Anger over dredge plan

Elizabeth Lake residents say city should have given them an extension.
Dredging of some channels still a go.
Seven side channels are scheduled to be dredged. Four have been excluded from the final project because homeowners missed the deadline. Earlier this year. Hampton set aside $400,000 to help pay for the channels to be dredged.

Hey what Sunset Creek?

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 45 W Sunset Rd Hampton, VA 23669, USA - Downtown
    Sunset creek behind my home has been for years polluted severely. I have reported it several times in the past to no avail. The creek's condition is part of the problem we all share with the overall condition of the Chesapeake Bay. The City of Hampton has forgotten Sunset creek an old estuary that once upon a time the Newcomb Lifeboat Company was located at the mouth of this creek.