Chatham County Public Works

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 47 Mga Saradong Isyu: 216 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 263
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-04-21

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 768 Chevis Rd Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    This address continues to pile debris. This is the worst I've seen in a while.
  • Ditch Maintenance Acknowledged
    1767 Grove Point Rd Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    This is county property next to a private drive. This ditch is heavily overgrown and will most likely start to flood with heavy rains soon.
  • 1 Gaslight Ln Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    Sink hole development. This was a small hole two weeks ago - about four inches deep,six inches across. Two or three days ago bottom dropped down, now between 18 and 24 inches deep and 18 inches across. Soil around edges unstable.
  • Pothole Archived
    89 Red Fox Dr Savannah, GA 31419, USA - Georgetown
    Pot hole in front of drainage opening. Asphalt has collapsed and is a danger to anyone walking by.
  • 1181-1189 King George Blvd Savannah, GA 31419, USA - Georgetown
    At least 100 times daily cars make illegal U-turns at the intersection of King George Blvd and the entrance to Food Lion/Forest Cove. This is a busy and dangerous intersection which.
  • Chevis Road Savannah Georgia - Georgetown
    This is always an eyesore, directly across from transfer station ?
  • 373 Beaufort Road Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    Three adjoining addresses along Beaufort Rd not being maintained. Severe overgrowth including invasive trees. Two home are not securely locked and are an 'invitation to nuisance'. Rodents have been observed. Reported earlier and to date, only minor cleanup has been done. Please investigate.
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    126 Cambridge Dr Savannah, GA 31419, USA - Georgetown
    Two potholes on Cambridge Drive in the vicinity of Embassy Court.
  • Abercorn Street Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    Lighting at the interchange of Veterans Parkway and Abercorn St Needs to be Addressed ASAP There are 13 Light Towers at this interchange but only 4 of them work and they barely work either there was just a fatal crash at this interchange. lighting MAY have been a factor.
  • Pothole Archived
    Veterans Pkwy Savannah, GA 31409, USA - Georgetown
    Several potholes 2-3 feet in length 6-8 inches deepen the north bound side approaching the bridge .
    Thank you
    Lane Nelson Jr
  • 192 Lions Gate Rd Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    Gate for canal access has been vandalized. It it laying across the canal about 300 feet down the access way, around the second bend.
  • Sign - Repair Archived
    65 Red Fox Drive Savannah, Georgia - Georgetown
    Street sign at the corner of Red Fox Drive and Bristlecone Drive in the King's Grant subdivision is missing. The pole is there, but the street signs are gone.