Allahno Hughes

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 72 Mga Saradong Isyu: 1,616 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 250
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2016-09-26

Mostly Ney Ave between 73rd & 92nd.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 7884 Macarthur Boulevard Oakland, California - Eastmont Hills
    Abandoned vehicle with no license plates. Parked in 2 hour zone for 1.5 years.
  • 2952 Parker Ave Oakland, CA, 94605, USA - Eastmont Hills
    Sofa and bed sheet
  • 8027 Ney Ave Oakland 94605, United States - Eastmont Hills
    A few mattress and a car bumper dumped on sidewalk
  • 7856 Macarthur Blvd Oakland 94605 United States - Eastmont Hills
    stack of mattresses.
  • 7951 Macarthur Blvd Oakland 94605, United States - Eastmont
    Why do we have to live with lots like this?
  • 2825 Parker Ave Oakland, CA, 94605, USA - Eastmont Hills
    This is a single family residence where individuals who reside here may be running an illegal car repair shop. The backyard is filled with garbage bags, car parts, furniture and mattresses. Residents have also observed large rats and raccoons roaming in the area. There is also a large Bobcat vehicle that has been parked on the street in front of this house for over months. Several abandoned vehicles have been left at this location by several tow trucks. There are also large dump trucks parked on the block. Residents are unable to park on the street.
  • 2601-2819 82nd Ave Oakland, CA 94605, USA - Eastmont Hills
    Garbage on sidewalk
  • 7878 Macarthur Blvd Oakland, CA, 94605, USA - Eastmont Hills
    Illegal dumping is prevalent in this area. I just saw the guy dump his trash and quickly went back into his apartment complex.
  • 2903 Partridge Ave Oakland, California, 94605 - Eastmont Hills
    Broken car without tire. Sitting here since summer.
  • 2800–2844 Parker Ave Oakland 94605 United States - Eastmont Hills
    Illegal dumping . This is the license plate of the people that dumping illegally around the neighbor . Please report this people
  • 2956 75th Ave Oakland 94605 United States - Eastmont Hills
    EVERY DAY there are residents’ and rental cars from an (illegal) rental car business operating out of a home (2956 75th Avenue) that are PARKED IN THE RED ZONES OF OUR NEIGHBOR. They are parked every day in the red zone on Outlook Ave directly beside 2956 75th Avenue, which is the intersection of 75th Avenue AT Outlook Avenue, and they are also parked in the red zone - and typically blocking the fire hydrant - on 75th Avenue at the SE corner of 75th Ave at Outlook. Two reds CONSTANTLY being used to park illegally. Today, this silver Hyundai Sonata, plate #7JBE073, is parked there. PLEASE ENFORCE RED ZONES.
  • 8100 Ney Ave Oakland, CA 94605, USA - Eastmont Hills
    Gold Chevrolet 1500