Lyon Park

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2016-06-05

Lyon Park Citizens Association. Arlington, Va.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 710 N Edgewood St Arlington, Virginia - Lyon Park
    Writing to try to get help with a trash and ensuing rodent problem at the rental home at 710 N Edgewood St. The county trash can has no lid and the trash remains out by curb all days of the week. Meanwhile, we have seen an uptick in rat traffic in the neighborhood and there is evidence of animals in trash many mornings. Stinky, disgusting, perpetual eyesore.
  • Road kill Archived
    815 N Barton St Arlington, VA 22201, USA - Lyon Park
    Squirrel reached undignified end.
  • 910 N Edgewood St Arlington, VA - Lyon Park
    Hello, I mistakenly typed the wrong house number in case number 2615820. The home with the perpetual trash and rat issue and county trashcan without a lid is actually 910 N. Edgewood St. Sorry and thanks so much for the help.
  • 2201 Arlington Blvd Arlington, VA - Lyon Park
    Room 359 had no smoke detector, phone,or functioning a.c. front desk seemed completely uninterested. Please investigate. We went to another hotel as we feared for our safety