Plaza District Association

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 0 Mga Saradong Isyu: 43 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 0
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2010-01-29

Watch area for Plaza District Association, business owners, customers, neighborhood residents or those passing through

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 1716 Nw 16th Oklahoma City, OK - Plaza District
    N Gatewood Ave between nw 16th and nw 15th in a one-way street heading south, with parallel parking allowed on the left. The "No Parking" Signage on the right is small and barely noticable, causing the convenience store customers and semis and delivery trucks to park there throughout the day, blocking the street and access to parking lots from the street. Four businesses operate on the one way street, and 10 businesses use the parking lots accessible from the one way street. The street is almost always blocked by customers and delivery trucks. We are requesting a yellow painted curb and adequate signage.
  • 1742 Northwest 16th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Plaza District
    Car parked on sidewalk on a daily bases.
  • 1730 Nw 16th St Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Gatewood
    White graffiti on red brick wall
  • 1701-1799 North Indiana Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Gatewood
    5 aggressive dogs on nw 15th and indiana. I have called animal control 5 times in the past week and a half on these dogs. I wArched them chase patrons of the plaza district on Saturday night. It is especially dangerous when these dogs team up with any larger stray and give chase. I will keep reporting these animals every single day if I have to. They hang out all day on NW 15 between blackwelder and indiana
  • 1708 N. Gatewood Ave - Gatewood
  • Pothole Archived
    1717 Northwest 16th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Gatewood
    Potholes in the westbound lane of NW. 16th St. at Gatewood Avenue
  • 1727 Nw 16th St Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Gatewood
  • 1742 Northwest 16th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Plaza District
    A series of parking sign poles have been erected behind the main building. Covering the full length of one of the few historic brick/glass brick walls in the Plaza District.
  • 1608 North Indiana Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Plaza District
    Nowhere for loose dog issue reporting: two small black dogs run off porch and chase people at NE corner of 15th and Indiana.
  • 1610 North Indiana Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Plaza District
    Cars at Chiltepes parking in sidewalk.
  • 1715 North Gatewood Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73106, USA - Gatewood
    Part of the sidewalk was removed(by a contractor hired by ONG) to do some work about a year ago and was never replaced.
  • Pothole Archived
    1716 N Gatewood Ave Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Gatewood
    4ft hole by 2ft on 16th