Massey Victory Heights

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2015-04-20

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Potholes Archived
    91 Courtney Cres New Westminster V3L 4M1, Canada - New Westminster
  • Other Archived
    235 Churchill New Westminster British Columbia - New Westminster
  • 242 Churchill Ave New Westminster, British Columbia, V3L 4P1, CAN - New Westminster
    shoes on the wires at the lane way on Churchill Avenue. Please have them taken down.
  • 916 Chilliwack St New Westminster V3L 4V5, Canada - New Westminster
    The concrete at the tennis courts in Westburnco park is degrading and needs maintenance. The sediment that you can see in the picture is slippery when it’s dry and wet. It’s not safe
  • 47 Courtney Crescent New Westminster, BC V3L 4M1, Canada - New Westminster
    Some sort of signage is needed here. People drive through the laneway all the time without yielding and vision is limited. This is also a safe walking route for the students of FW Howay school. It is just a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt or killed. High collision intersection. Please do something about this.
  • 927 Chilliwack St New Westminster V3L 4V6, Canada - New Westminster
    Basketball hoop/net has broken off the backboard as a result of a teen hanging off it. The younger neighborhood kids hope it can be repaired. The group of teens involved are not from the homes directly adjacent to the park.
  • 200 Churchill Ave New Westminster, BC V3L 4T5, Canada - New Westminster
    The fountain is not working. Metro VANCOUVER says it's in the Park that New Westminster is responsible for.
  • 228 Churchill Ave New Westminster BC V3L 4N8, Canada - New Westminster
    Owners are leaving dog poop bags at the corner of the grass beside the Westburnco Pump Station. Too lazy to carry it to a garbage. Perhaps a garbage can chained at the fence at that corner will help.
  • 200 Churchill Ave New Westminster, BC V3L 4T5, Canada - New Westminster
  • 937 Chestnut St New Westminster BC V3L 4N4, Canada - New Westminster
    So sad to see the long line of idling cars increasing GHG emissions in our City as a result of the traffic calming measures put on 10th Ave from Cherry St to Cariboo Road Poor trade off and decision making
  • Westburnco Acc New Westminster, British Columbia, V3L, CAN - New Westminster
    The tape marking that the Westburnco sports park and dog park are closed has been taken down, along with some of the signage. Could you please replace it to deter people from gathering in groups right now? Thank you!
  • Other Archived
    902 Ladner St New Westminster, BC V3L 4W4, Canada - New Westminster

    When the city replaced the lines/pipes out in front of our house they had to dig a long trench, which they reseeded. The issue is that the grass never grew back properly leaving our's and our neighbors blvd basically bare. It also attracted the crows who tore up some of the lawn. We would like it repaired.
