Brooklyn Heights Service Department

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2013-10-06

Brooklyn Heights Service Department.

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • Schaff Lane Brooklyn Heights Ohio, Brooklyn Heights, OH - Brooklyn Heights
    Graffiti in the tunnel on Schaff Lane south of Van Epps Road.
  • 392-744 Granger Road Brooklyn Heights, Ohio - Brooklyn Heights
    It would be beneficial to have an "advance warning" traffic signal placed before this curve in the road while traveling westbound. Around this sharp curve, it is impossible to see what color the light is at the end of the 480 ramp or if there is stopped traffic ahead.
  • Schaff Road And Old Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio - Brooklyn Heights
    In my opinion, this traffic light favors Tuxedo Avenue traffic far too much. Tuxedo Avenue gets about a forty second green, then westbound Schaff gets a ten second green arrow before eastbound Schaff can proceed.