santa monica city governmet

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2009-09-28

watch area between pico blvd north and ocean park blvd south. lincoln blvd east to the beach

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 1776 Main St Santa Monica, CA, 90401, USA - Santa Monica
    There is major construction on MAIN STREET - reduce to one lane - and a Growing LARGE POTHOLE outside of 1776 Main Street, you can't miss it! Buses and Large vehicles are making it even worst driving and hitting it daily. Please fill in the hole and smooth out the ONLY LANE for access for those still working everyday! It's a hazard to everyone's cars/tires! How could the construction team not know they did a terrible job creating such a small temporary lane for drivers to maneuver around! :-(