Swarthmore Borough

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 6 Mga Saradong Isyu: 20 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 0
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2009-08-11

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 1419-1489 Victoria Rd Springfield, PA 19064, USA - Springfield
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  • 1418 Michigan Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Woodlyn
    Same person, people, family, park their small SUV's in front of the Fire Hydrant on the even side of the block in the 1400 block of Michigan Ave...
  • 1172 Baltimore Pike - Springfield
    On Baltimore Pike the two traffic lights across from the Springfield Mall constantly turn red even after 12AM when there are no vehicles trying to enter onto Baltimore Pike. With today's advanced technology which is used at other intersections throughout Delco such as heat-sensing or light-sensing, if these lights were upgraded the vehicles traveling east-west on Baltimore Pike would not have to stop causing less polution and savings on fuel and energy. And folks like me could get to work sooner or get home sooner. Thank you.
  • Swarthmore Ave And Widener Way At The Train Crossing - Swarthmore
    Septa just redid the train crossing- you would think it would be perfect to drive over-WRONG! The new paving was done with a HUGE dip so now all the cars and trucks bottom out when you go over it. The new paving has lots of gashes on it from the vehicles hitting the new crossing.
  • 621 Yale Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Swarthmore
    Cars fly by and almost hit people in the crosswalk all day and night long something needs to be done before some one gets hurt
  • 1500-1526 Parklane Rd Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Woodlyn
    Been there for years. Keep bottoming out the car in it. Right near the intersection of Michigan and Park Lane.
  • 701-799 Yale Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Swarthmore
    There is a pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Yale and Harvard Aves in Swarthmore. Very, very, very rarely do cars stop for pedestrians attempting to cross the street. I step into the crosswalk each time I have to cross that road and only about 10% of the time does even one car stop. They need officers out there for a day to make it known that cars are supposed to stop. I won't even touch on the ridiculous speeds the cars reach along that stretch.
  • 618-624 South Chester Road Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - US Congressional District PA7
    The whole area of S. Chester Rd (320) from approx. Fairview Rd all the way to Swarthmore College is worse than an obstacle course. There are HUGE potholes that sometimes you just can't avoid because of the traffic on the opposite side of the road. Passed by there this morning, and held my breath that my tires didn't burst. PLEASE address this road soon or you are going to have some very angry drivers with flat tires.
  • 701-777 S Chester Rd Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - US Congressional District PA7
    Located in the parking lot of CVS in Swarthmore, between Loughead Nissan and CVS, there are numerous huge potholes that need to be fixed. This has been an ongoing problem for about 2 years. Please fix these for good..not just patch them up like before. It's in serious need of major renovation. Thanks.
  • 1401-1499 Michigan Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Woodlyn
    Michigan ave. is the road to Blackrock park, and like clock work during football or baseball seasons the people fly down Michigan ave to get there kids to practice and games. Have respect for the homeowners and their children on that block and drive likes its your own. Thanks!
  • 701-799 Yale Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Swarthmore
    nearly every morning i almost get hit by people that illegally go to the side to pass cars. They think the right side is the straight lane.
  • Uneven Stret Archived
    2-98 S Swarthmore Ave Swarthmore, PA 19081, USA - Swarthmore
    Closed the street for 2 week opened it back up now its like driving off road