Farmers Branch

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Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2024-02-21

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  • 14407 Hague Dr Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    Trailer is stored in street
  • 3550 Brookhaven Club Dr Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    Walking daily for medical requirement This house continues to stack limbs over sidewalk And half to walk into oncoming traffic in middle of lane due to tree limbs covering sidewalk and extra street parking area and cars in driveway Not safe and issue multiple days
  • 12609 Royal Oaks Ln Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    Massive swarm of bees in a tree where the road curves On Royal Oaks but close to Amesbury
  • 2889 Millwood Cir Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    ORD 3892: It is 0730 Monday morning
    The guy in yellow is the ringmaster The red corvette and blue Honda are his crew
    The truck and attached trailer spent all Sunday Monday night on property
    I have the displeasure of getting to see this out of my window
    Please rid our neighborhood of these pests
  • 2889 Millwood Cir Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    ORD 3852 These vehicles "live" at 2889, the trailers, the truck, AND the Ditch Witch In what world does a resident need to own a Ditch Witch, unless, of course, they are running a Visible Business from said house
    Please enforce 3852 and rid this degradation to our neighborhood
    The landlord / owner of the house lives at 2899 Millwood Circle, 75234.
    I have video as well
  • 3539 Bevann Dr Farmers Branch, TX 75234, USA - Farmers Branch
  • Chapel Hill Preparatory School - Farmers Branch
    We use to have trash bin located at the corner of Amsterdam and Myra. Now everyone are putting there poop bags and trash on the ground. Can you please put the trash cans or bags back. When it rains all that poop is going into the drains.
  • 2889 Millwood Cir Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    These three vehicles, LOADED with commercial job refuse, has been parked in the driveway ALL weekend (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon .
    I know nobody works when these incidents occur, however I promised to submit daily, and, I want you to know
    Let's get it done )e
  • 13324 Shahan Dr Dallas, Texas, 75234 - Farmers Branch
    HVAC is not operating properly. the tenant has contacted the landlord, and they are having to wait 2 days. The tenant's son has Asthma..
  • 3274 Brincrest Dr Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    House is unoccupied. Lawn and weeds are over 12" and unsightly.
  • 2889 Millwood Cir Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    ORD 3852: It is Sunday morning, just before 10:00 am Please notice the truck and trailer containing the Ditch Witch are coupled, as they have been all night
    These vehicles LIVE at this rent house and are literally destroying what was once a lovely family neighborhood Now, we have become commercial cul-de-sac, housing commercial vehicles and workers sleazing around both before sunrise and after sunset
    My family fears for our safety, security, and solitude
    While many live in a "City in a Park", our park is an Industrial Trailer Park Not quite what was bought into, 60 years ago g o
  • 3225 Myra Ln Farmers Branch TX 75234, United States - Farmers Branch
    Rotten trees in the backyard. There is one large limb that is broken and hanging on other tree limbs. There have been 2 large limbs that have d already fell on the storage shed and one of them is still there. The roof of the shed was damaged and a tarp is over it. It probably has all kind of animals living in the shed.Ther ar man tree