Briarhurst West Neighborhood Association

Mga Bukas na Isyu: 2 Mga Saradong Isyu: 64 Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 8
Minamanmanan ang mga isyu na ginawa pagkatapos: 2022-05-14

Briarhurst West Neighborhood

Napagbigyang-alam Tungkol

  • 3715 Wildbriar Ln Lincoln, Nebraska, 68516 - Lincoln
    The apron has collapsed inward
  • 3745 Wildbriar Ln Lincoln, NE 68516, USA - Lincoln
    property needs mowed
  • 5631 Elk Cir Lincoln NE 68516, United States - Lincoln
    Seems to be a weekly occurrence of a mortar shell firework being launch at random parts of the day
    Tonight (8/8/2023) it's be 8pm, 8:30, and 9pm
  • 5538 S 31st St Lincoln NE 68516, United States - Lincoln
    Hedges over grown so you can't even walk in sidewalk.
  • 3100 Briarwood Ave Lincoln, Nebraska, 68516 - Lincoln
    Briarwood Ave is a terrible mess it was poorly plowed and numerous vehicles have gotten has never been this bad
  • 3739 Wildbriar Ln Lincoln, NE 68516, USA - Lincoln
    property needs mowed. tall grass/weeds.
  • 5401 Rosebriar Ct Lincoln, NE, 68516, USA - Lincoln
    As usual, lawn (weeds) has been unmowed for weeks. This person only mows after he's been reported. The weeds are so overgrown, the sidewalk is nearly covered. It's a perpetual eyesore and nuisance.
  • 5320 S 37th St Lincoln, NE, 68516, USA - Lincoln
    This has been a consistent issue with this resident. Large barking dog in fenced backyard, barks continually, appears that he wants in the house. It's been going on all afternoon, and it's happened before. this gets all other dogs barking.
  • 5241 Rosebriar Ct Lincoln, NE, 68516, USA - Lincoln
    Hasn't cleared sidewalks at all since snows began.
  • 5320 S 37th St Lincoln, NE, 68516, USA - Lincoln

    I posted a complaint on the city's SeeClickFix site. I received this response:

    "This type of complaint cannot be handled via this system. Please contact Animal Control by calling 402-441-7900."

    Contrary to instructions on this site, calling 402-441-7900 does NOTHING AT ALL.

    I called Animal Control at that number, talked to "Mike." He refused to do anything unless we first indicate we are willing to "take the owners to court," they refuse to do anything at all, not even contact the offenders. I've run into this before with Animal Control in Lincoln. Now I must again contact city government to let them know that there is a problem with response at Animal Control. If they don't respond to complaints, what do they do in that department?

    This is a PROBLEM if Animal Control does not respond to barking dog complaints. Who should we contact from now on? The police? The mayor's office?

  • 5401 Rosebriar Ct Lincoln, NE, 68516, USA - Lincoln
    Does not scoop sidewalks at all; completely covered, and cannot be used. This property owner is habitually negligent with property maintenance.
  • 5614 S 31st St Lincoln NE 68516, United States - Lincoln
    Weeds are out of control and even though a car is in the driveway, it looks abandoned