Wichita Stormwater PLUS

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  • 4921 E Elm St Wichita, KS, 67208, USA - Wichita

    This house is disgusting and have been using the drain way as their own personal auto repair shop. Damaged cars, Boats and junk are filling the street, yard and drain way.

    This has been reported time and time again without correction.

  • 1866-1898 S Eisenhower St Wichita, KS, 67209, USA - Wichita
    The owner of B and B Airparts had his maintenance people cut down all the trees along his side of the drainage ditch behind his building at 1831 S Hoover Ct., and left all the trees in the ditch. This seriously reduces the capacity of water the ditch is able to hold, increasing the likelihood of local flooding.
  • 4422 E 3rd St N Wichita, KS, 67208, USA - College Hill
    A commercial lawn care company has used leaf blowers to blow leaves and lawn (grass) clippings into the storm drain on the NW corner of 3rd and Terrace Dr. This drain is now blocked and rain water is causing street flooding.
  • 13353 W Maple St Wichita KS 67235, United States - Wichita
    This is a large growth of weeds It might block drain
  • 2309-2309 E 63rd St S Wichita, KS, 67216, USA - Wichita
  • 1820 N Joann St Wichita, Kansas, 67203 - Northwest Big River
    Resident has blown all the leaves in the front yard out into the street
  • 4509 S Cherry St Wichita, Kansas, 67217 - Riverside
  • 6100 E 21st St N Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67208, USA - Wichita
    restaurants has a company come clean kitchen stove vents and is washing grease into the street that goes down into storm drain
  • 4805 N Bridgewood St Wichita, Kansas, 67226 - Wichita
    I don't know if there is illegal dumping, but you don't have the proper category that i can find for this issue. As you can see this inlet and the inlets around here are completely clogged because the contractor has NO erosion control protection at this construction site. Also the road floods because of this. There is also no erosion control stuff at another home being built that is 1 block away at the corner of Bridgewood and Spyglass streets. Thanks